This Week on the Dexcom
At my work we all take this test called Your Unique Design.
It basically helps to describe who you are as a person and helps you and others
understand how you function. I am 100% Achiever (your logical side), 81%
Energizer (your playful side), 79% Persister (someone who sees black and
white), 62% Harmonizer (your affectionate side), 43% Catalyzer (your directive
side), and 3% Dreamer (your focuses inward). My achiever is definitely my
strongest, I am overly organized and task driven. The sucky thing is my
diabetes usually puts my achiever to shame. You can’t always be perfect and if
you are I secretly hate you.
With that said, the achiever in me has wanted to focus on
getting my diabetes to the well-oiled machine I want it to be. Don’t get me
wrong my A1c is great, my nerves all seem to still have feeling, and my eyes
are still in good condition (just a little aged). To achieve better control
over my diabetes I decided I would try the Dexcom. Luckily, my doctor’s office
rents them out and my insurance covers it. The Dexcom is a continuous glucose
monitor that checks my blood sugars several times an hour without my needing to
do more than two finger sticks a day. I am able to see my blood sugar trends,
pay attention to how meals, exercise, and life affect my blood sugars, you
can’t go wrong!
Now here is the downside of my achiever, I strive for
perfection or at least to be close to it. The problem with this new device is
that I can see where my blood sugars are every few minutes and if they are
continuing to go up or down, or if they are staying at a steady pace. Why is
this a problem? Because my achiever is in total and complete distress when the
line on the Dexcom takes a nosedive or begins to peak. The perfection part of
me wants to go into total and complete panic in these moments because I just
want to have total control over my diabetes.
It has not even been a full day, and I am absolutely in love
with the Dexcom. The sensor is small and was nearly pain free, I love that I
can see where my blood sugars are at a click of a button, and I didn’t have to
wait for the sensor to connect to anything, it automatically synced and made my
life super easy without a sensor fail message running across my pump. I am
going to try my hardest not to completely obsess over this device during the
week that I have it, but I can’t promise you anything.
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