When Your Friends Can Tell Your Sugars Are Not Normal

Sometimes after you have battled two low blood sugar levels you just want to give up. That is what happened to me yesterday. I had a low while I was cleaning my house, and then again while I was at the fabric store. It felt like I couldn’t keep enough sugar in my system no matter how hard I tired. So, when I went out to eat with a friend I chose to skip my meal bolus altogether and just pretend my diabetes didn’t exist. I ate almost every bite of my burrito and enjoyed the chips and salsa without a care in the world.

After we ate we decided to go feed the geese at the park. I felt fine, I knew my numbers were in the 200’s, but I chose to ignore it. Like I said, I felt fine. Then my friend started asking me questions about my diabetes, “how do you know when your numbers are high”? I thought this was strange and asked why she was asking. She looked at me and said, you seem out of it all of the sudden and she just wanted to make sure I was fine. I told her that I figured my numbers were probably in the 200’s and that I would check. When I checked my numbers were right where I figured 221 to be exact. I know, I know, it’s not a great number, but let’s be honest it’s not a horrible number after and bean and cheese burrito with no bolus.

It’s crazy how people you spend time with seem to know when something is up with your diabetes. The hubs knows by your mood swings, and my friends know when I begin to behave differnently. I can usually tell where my numbers are at by the way I feel, but I have also had years of learning this and it’s my body. But I have to admit, I enjoy the fact that the people I surround myself with also have an idea where I am at and that makes me happy. 


  1. Hello- Great post! I am Type 1 also. Yes, I agree, it is great to be surrounded by those who care about you and know you well.
    I hope the burrito was good. Yum! :)

  2. I like the way your friend asked about it too. I know people mean well but sometimes I find the way people phrase their questions bug me. Those questions are part and parcel of being a diabetic but I find I respond better when people frame the question in a way that shows they're concerned about me not the number.


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