That Moment You Realize Diabetes is A Part of You

I was at a doctors appointment the other day when the Nurse asked me if I was on any medication. I told her I wasn't and let her move onto the next question. She looked up at my quizzically instead of moving forward and began looking through my chart. I wasn't sure what she was looking for and decided to patiently wait. She paused and looked at me and asked "you have T1D don't you"? I laughed because I couldn't believe it. How did I forget to say yes, I am on Humalog (my insulin)? We both started to chuckle and she told me not to worry about it, I just must have hit the milestone where diabetes is just a part of my everyday life. 

I have had diabetes for 9 years and apparently have finally hit the point where insulin doesn't feel like an extra thing in my life. It now is just a part of me. Everyday I check my blood sugars, give myself insulin, and eat. It's routine, I don't think too much about it, it's finally become like breathing. I didn't think the day would ever come and I am sure if you ask me a month from now what my thoughts of living with T1D are I would have a completely different response. But for now, it's second nature and I like that. 


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